Google Ads / AdWords Industry Benchmarks With Infographic

Google Ads / AdWords Industry Benchmarks With Infographic

If you are running Google Ads / PPC campaign or planning to run a campaign for your company or a client, you must have industry benchmarks to measure the campaign\’s performance.

Industry benchmarks are really important to forecast your Google Ads / PPC campaigns if you are planning a media plan for your company or a client in terms of Average CTR, Average Cost Per Click, Average Conversion Rate and Average Cost Per Action/Acquisition.

Find out the most important Google Ads / AdWords industry benchmarks for your campaign. This will help you in optimizing your campaigns.

Average CTR ( Click-Through Rate ) in Google Ads by industry (Search and Display)

Average Click-Through Rate in Google Ads by Industry

Industry Average CTR (Search) Average CTR (GDN)
 Advocacy  4.41% 0.59% 
 Auto  4.00% 0.60% 
 B2B  2.41% 0.46% 
 Consumer Services  2.41% 0.51% 
 Dating & Personals  6.05% 0.72% 
 E-Commerce  2.69% 0.51% 
 Education  3.78% 0.53% 
 Employment Services  2.42%  0.59% 
 Finance & Insurance  2.91% 0.52% 
 Health & Medical  3.27% 0.59% 
 Home Goods  2.44% 0.49% 
 Industrial Services  2.61% 0.50% 
 Legal  2.93% 0.59% 
 Real Estate  3.71% 1.08% 
 Technology  2.09% 0.39% 
 Travel & Hospitality  4.68% 0.47% 

Average CPC ( Cost Per Click) in Google Ads by industry (Search and Display)

Average Cost Per Click in Google Ads by Industry

Industry Average CPC (Search) Average CPC (GDN)
 Advocacy $1.43 $0.62
 Auto $2.46 $0.58
 B2B $3.33 $0.79
 Consumer Services $6.40 $0.81
 Dating & Personals $2.78 $1.49
 E-Commerce $1.16 $0.45
 Education $2.40 $0.47
 Employment Services $2.04 $0.78
 Finance & Insurance $3.44 $0.86
 Health & Medical $2.62 $0.63
 Home Goods $2.94 $0.60
 Industrial Services $2.56 $0.54
 Legal $6.75 $0.72
 Real Estate $2.37 $0.75
 Technology $3.80 $0.51
 Travel & Hospitality $1.53 $0.44

Average CVR ( Average Conversion Rate) in Google Ads by industry (Search and Display)

Average Conversion Rates in Google Ads by Industry

Industry Average CVR (Search) Average CVR (GDN)
 Advocacy 1.96% 1.00%
 Auto 6.03% 1.19%
 B2B 3.04% 0.80%
 Consumer Services 6.64% 0.98%
 Dating & Personals 9.64% 3.34%
 E-Commerce 2.81% 0.59%
 Education 3.39% 0.50%
 Employment Services 5.13% 1.57%
 Finance & Insurance 5.10% 1.19%
 Health & Medical 3.36% 0.82%
 Home Goods 2.70% 0.43%
 Industrial Services 3.37% 0.94%
 Legal 6.98% 1.84%
 Real Estate 2.47% 0.80%
 Technology 2.92% 0.86%
 Travel & Hospitality 3.55% 0.51%

Average CPA ( Average Cost Per Action) in Google Ads by industry (Search and Display)

Average Cost Per Action in Google Ads by Industry

Industry Average CPA (Search) Average CPA (GDN)
 Advocacy $96.55 $70.69
 Auto $33.52 $23.68
 B2B $116.13 $130.36
 Consumer Services $90.70 $60.48
 Dating & Personals $76.76 $60.23
 E-Commerce $45.27 $65.80
 Education $72.70 $143.36
 Employment Services $48.04 $59.47
 Finance & Insurance $81.93 $56.76
 Health & Medical $78.09 $72.58
 Home Goods $87.13 $116.17
 Industrial Services $79.28 $51.58
 Legal $86.02 $39.52
 Real Estate $116.61 $74.79
 Technology $133.52 $103.60
 Travel & Hospitality $44.73 $99.13


What do you think about the industry benchmarks? Does your campaigns are up to the benchmarks in terms of performance?
